Provider Portal Login

Secure access to claims, eligibility info, authorizations, view patient history, submit authorization requests and more!

Can’t find what you are looking for? We transitioned to a new provider portal on January 1, 2024. EZ Net can be accessed through 12/31/2024 for 2023 date of service claims only. 2023 Authorizations can be accessed through 6/30/24 on the legacy portal.

Inflation Reduction Act: Insulin & Part D vaccine benefits are getting even better in 2023! Click Here For More Details

Make it Easy for Members to Find You

Maintaining complete and correct provider records in the Interactive Provider Directory is a priority for Pruitt Health Premier as the directory provides an important source of provider information to our members. We encourage you to review your records in the directory and notify us of any changes to your information as soon as possible and no later than 30 days prior to an upcoming change. Notify us of any updates needed by emailing:

By providing this information promptly, you will ensure your practice is listed correctly in the Pruitt Health Premier Provider Directory and that members are able to reach your practice for services needed.

Prior Authorization Requests

Patient Referral Requests

Join Our Network


Provider Documents

For Prescribers and Pharmacies

Find A Drug

Clinical Practice Guidelines and Medical Necessity

Provider and Pharmacy Directory